Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

Created in 1997 and amended in 2014, the European standard PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) aims to harmonise the legislation of Member States concerning trade in pressure equipment (pipes, vessels, flanges, pipe accessories).

It was transposed in France by the Order of 20 November 2017 and concerns all equipment operating at a maximum pressure (PS) greater than 0.5 bar and affected by one of the risk categories (depending on the nature of the fluids transported, the maximum pressure, the volume or the nominal diameter).

For pipes, the following table is used to set out the conditions for applying the PED:

Fluid Conditions
Group 1 Gas (Hazardous) DN>25
Group 2 Gas DN>32 and PSxDN>1000 bars
Group 2 liquid (Hazardous) DN>25 and PSxDN>2000 bars
Group 1 liquid DN>25 and DN>200 and PSxDN>5000 bars

This applies in particular to fittings and valves intended for pipes carrying gases or fluids, and in particular to food fittings, Clamp pharmaceutical fittings, Union fittings for the chemical industry and pipe valves used in European Union countries.

Equipment complying with the PED standard is supplied with a declaration of conformity and a CE mark indicating the maximum operating pressure (PS) expressed in bar, and the minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) operating temperatures, expressed in °C.

DESP/PED equipment is subject to a declaration of commissioning, followed by periodic inspections throughout its service life.

PED/DESP certification

Our PED certied products